Thursday 2 February 2012

Last lesson we were doing  photography which needed us to get multiple pictures of our heads bodies and feet which we will put in order to create something like this.
So in the afternoon our group went in the studio and took it in turns to take pictures of our faces bodies and feet. I partnered up with Roger and we had a go taking pictures we needed. 
So I first took pictures of Roger with the cannon 5 D camera where he did a few poses he came up with some and also I directed him on what I wanted him to do and pull. I think that we got some good  photos   of our heads body and legs since we did different poses for each shot. after the shots were taken we uploaded them all onto lightroom and added effects to them. The effect I mostly used was an effect which made the picture become  black and white I decided to ajust the tone and saturation levels to create the desired effect I wanted on the image .

so as you can see in the images some have higher levels of saturation than the other. with the images of roger we added an effect which was supposed to  make the picture look oldish.

Tritych photography is a type of photography which consists of 3 images in a  they present two or three images which can be from the same session or they can be polar opposites to show opposition or contrasting ideas.